Empowering your sustainability projects through data and tech

Data and analytics are a key component of your sustainability strategy.

Many companies struggle to collate and manage the data required to support their sustainability projects.


edenseven places particular importance and focus on using data to support all our consultancy services.



A single place to manage all your sustainability projects

The data required to manage sustainability projects is often distributed across your organisation using different formats and of various qualities. Even companies with significant maturity in data management struggle to identify, store and create insight from data.


We have developed a proprietary platform,, that is aimed at helping you manage data specifically for sustainability projects., provides a single secure place to store and share the data required; giving you easy access to intuitive dashboards, and much more.


Our team will work with you to configure the platform to your specific needs, and even manage it on an ongoing basis if required.


Key features include:

  • Controlled access and hosted in a secure and reliable environment
  • Allows onboarding suppliers and partners
  • Allows input data in a user-friendly interface or from files
  • Present data in tabular format as well in dashboards
  • Automatically calculates the carbon footprint
  • Allows capturing key initiatives and tracking their progress


Evaluating and forecasting ad-hoc projects and investments

From new investment opportunities to assessing the impact of sustainability interventions, projects require data models with a rich understanding of both markets and approaches.


We allocate experts with strong analytics and, equally important, real-life market experience to build models and conduct analysis that will support your decision-making.

Examples of our areas of support include:

  • Analysis energy market, trends, and pricing to support investment and budget decision
  • Use advance analytics to identify hidden patterns and correlations
  • Prepare models to valuate renewable assets and investments
  • Quantify and forecast the Capex and Opex impact of projects and programmes


Understanding markets and trends to inform your strategy

The sustainability sector is rapidly evolving. Staying up-to-date with the technologies, best practices, regulations, and trends in your market is crucial—but it also daunting and potentially a drain on your resources.


As experts with real-world experience, we are always aware of the latest news and developments. We also conduct market research to provide you with the relevant insights for your sustainability strategy and action plans.

Our areas of support include:

  • Review of the regulatory environment and emerging themes that may affect your business
  • Review new techniques and practices that are been adopted by the industry
  • Insight on consumers awareness and investor attitude in your specific sector
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