Warehouses against cloudy sky at sunset
by Doug Mccauley 13 December 2024
Mawdsleys signs a long-term agreement to use edenseven’s market-leading carbon reporting and management platform,, to monitor all emissions and programmes of work to reach net zero . Mawdsleys is the UK’s largest independent pharmaceutical distributor. Established nearly 200 years ago, they have a fast-growing international network supplying medicines to meet patient needs and providing a route to market for manufacturers. Mawdsleys has signed a long term agreement with edenseven to use their carbon accounting and management platform, Built by edenseven, is a cloud-based carbon accounting and management platform that provides businesses with a complete view of their emissions and decarbonisation plan. Using a dynamic view of all three emissions scopes, provides a clear understanding of the current position against net zero targets and allows for the proactive monitoring of both current and planned projects. With a need to monitor and decarbonise operations at pace, Mawdsleys will leverage to assess their current sustainability targets and produce a dynamic delivery plan to eradicate emissions permanently from their supply chain. Pete Nisbet, Managing Partner of edenseven, said: “We continue to evolve to make sure we are providing our customers with the tools to dynamically monitor their decarbonisation programmes in a clear and practical manner. We are very excited to be working with Mawdsleys and are certain that, by embedding into their net zero deliver plan, we can collectively make significant quantifiable environmental and financial gains.” William Sanders, CEO of Mawdsleys, commented; “Mawdsleys are leading the way in our sector, working towards net zero. Investment into thousands of solar panels and cutting edge battery storage technology, as well as operating electric vehicles, up to and including an HGV, makes edenseven the perfect partner to assist monitoring our decarbonisation plans. Mawdsleys are a key part of the healthcare system, delivering critical medicines to hospitals every day, so utilising will help us maintain and enhance our position in the NHS Evergreen benchmarking assessment.” 
A ship at a port at sunset
by Doug Mccauley 29 November 2024
Thames Freeport is a unique initiative designed to stimulate trade and innovation and transform the lives of people in its region, leveraging global connectivity to over 130 ports in 65 countries. Occupying a strategic position with intermodal capabilities across river, rail, and road, Thames Freeport has recognised its opportunity to achieve social good, and has demonstrated an active commitment to advancing decarbonisation and fostering a circular economy. Thames Freeport is emerging as a hub for clean energy technologies, advanced logistics, and value-added manufacturing. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) such as the Thames Freeport are uniquely positioned to drive decarbonisation. By clustering industries and research institutions, SEZs enable collaboration on sustainable practices and green technology development. This concentration accelerates the adoption of renewable energy sources, smart grids, and circular economy practices. 
Business people walking around outside corporate buildings
by Doug Mccauley 4 November 2024
PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3 November 2024 New Report Highlights “Alarmingly Poor” Response of FTSE250 Companies to Climate Crisis 7% rise in carbon emissions as business growth outpaced effective environmental action 41% of businesses do not have a net zero target date 20% of businesses failing to report Scope 3 emissions Average net zero target date extended by 13 months
City skyline at night
by Doug Mccauley 20 June 2024
Some interesting key developments that are impacting commercial property in the UK
A river flowing through a mountainous setting with a partly cloudy sky
by Doug Mccauley 6 June 2024
Adam Taylor, expert in nature-based solutions - edenseven, explains more: Nature-Based Solutions can deliver multiple benefits in single locations, delivering greater impact for people, planet, and profit, and moving ESG from being just another cost to a competitive advantage. Today in the ESG space companies are expected to measure and manage their greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption, impacts on biodiversity, air, and water quality, and how their activities affect not only their staff but the communities they operate within. As a result, many companies now measure their impacts, and some employ companies to mitigate or offset their residual effects; however, this outsourcing approach is often costly and inefficient; with each residual effect mitigated or offset separately, uncertainty about the delivery or impact of the work, and delivery in other regions of the world meaning wider benefits are missed. The business case for nature-based solutions: These costs and inefficiencies can be overcome however by mitigating and offsetting multiple residual effects at once by delivering Nature-Based Solutions on company land and buildings, or within the communities they serve. For example, creation or restoration of local grasslands, woodlands or wetlands would deliver carbon and biodiversity credits, water nutrient and air quality improvements, and reduced flood, drought, and wildfire risks in the areas where your company operates and your staff and customers live. Delivering these multiple impacts removes the costs of awarding and managing multiple contracts with different companies, whilst the schemes localness provides certainty of delivery and impact, and wider benefits including new local partnerships, provision of accessible natural greenspace improving staff and community health and wellbeing, and an enhanced corporate image and reputation. With ESG moving rapidly to the top of the social and political agenda the breadth and depth of ESG related disclosures that are required will only grow, so now is the best time to consider how you can deliver these more efficiently and impactfully through Nature-Based Solutions, positioning yourselves as a market leader and making this a key strand of your competitive advantage. Key steps businesses should take: Step 1: Evaluation of the measurement and management of environmental and social impacts Review of strategies, targets, costs, and impacts of existing approaches to measuring, addressing, and reporting on environmental and social impacts, including gathering stakeholder insights, and reviewing available resources, capabilities, assets, to identify where Nature-Based Solutions could be delivered. Step 2: Exploration of Nature-Based Solution delivery options Identification and assessment of Nature-Based Solution locations that deliver against company needs, including delivery and maintenance costs, partnership opportunities and appetite, and the potential for additional company benefits. Step 3: Delivery of Nature-Based Solutions Engage ESG team, local community, partners and contractors in detailed design and delivery of Nature-Based Solutions, develop and implement maintenance, monitoring, and governance protocols, collate and communicate lessons learnt, celebrate successes. How edenseven can help: edenseven is a sustainability consultancy with an award-winning track record helping businesses design and deliver data-driven sustainability strategies. With experts covering a wide range of sustainability subjects, from biodiversity & nature-based solutions, to electric vehicle fleet solutions, power purchase agreements (PPA), low carbon technologies, building optimisation, supply chain management, and end-to-end business transformation, we have experienced experts ready to help with any of your sustainability needs. With over 15 years' delivering nature-based solutions, Adam’s experience cuts across the public, private and third sectors having delivered time and again place-based solutions that increase profit whilst benefiting people and planet; the triple bottom line. To find out more, send us a message
by Pete Nisbet 26 March 2024
26/03/2024 – edenseven is excited to announce that they have, within a consortium led by Peterborough City Council (PCC), been awarded a £2.75m grant by Innovate UK, part of a total £3.2m project, to boost the local authority’s ability to achieve net zero. This success is testament to PCC’s ambition to deliver a Net Zero City, the essential role that local authorities play in delivering carbon reductions nationwide, and the goal shared by edenseven and the rest of the consortium to support this journey. Working alongside edenseven and PCC, this consortium includes Cambridgeshire County Council, Nordic Energy, Energy Systems Catapult, and PECT. The shared aim of this team is to deliver ‘Peterborough Accelerated Net Zero (PANZ)’ over the next 18 months. This venture is designed to encourage healthier living, reduce costs, and develop a sustainable green skills market. Peterborough was one of the first cities in the UK to adopt a Local Area Energy Plan, which considered the current and future energy demands of heating, electricity, and transport, and laid out its pathway to reach Net Zero. PANZ will pioneer an approach to build on this Local Area Energy Plan, tailoring solutions to the needs of community and place. The project will support the Council in selecting projects that deliver on both carbon reduction and the Council’s many other aspirations for the city. It will encourage financial bundling of projects to create portfolios that can attract private investment, including district heating, and it will enable the Council to track the progress and impact of city-scale projects, making sure investment is directed toward the biggest environmental, social, demographic, and economic impact. edenseven aims to transform the way Local Authorities navigate the complex transition to Net Zero by developing an intuitive, tailor-made, carbon accounting and management platform that can provide a complete view of city-wide emissions and decarbonisation plans. It will give the Council a clear understanding of its current position against Net Zero targets, create insight to identify areas where action is required, and uses the reporting functionality to measure progress. Pete Nisbet, Managing Partner for edenseven, said: “In these pivotal years for decarbonisation in the UK, edenseven is thrilled to be collaborating with Peterborough City Council and the consortium on their Net Zero strategy. We recognise the critical role local authorities play in decarbonising the UK economy and are delighted to partner with forward-looking councils such as Peterborough and Cambridgeshire. This partnership creates a cross functional team equipped to deliver immediate actions for the local economy, as well as supporting the efficient future management of Net Zero projects. It marks the inception of a unique partnership across the public. private and third sectors and showcases our commitment to pioneering sustainable solutions that create social impact.” For more information about the Innovate UK funding, visit Innovate UK invests over £25m in net zero projects – UKRI About edenseven edenseven is a sustainability consultancy and technology provider that uses data and market experience to enable companies and their supply chains to play their part in tackling climate change while achieving sustainable growth. edenseven uses the combined power of data, advanced analytics, and pragmatic project management to help companies baseline their status, identify improvement opportunities in the short, medium, and long terms, and plan and implement those opportunities. For more information, visit our website:
The Gherkin London with a dark cloudy sky
by Doug Mccauley 16 February 2024
The problem Buildings are responsible for approximately 17% of UK emissions and 59% of UK electricity consumption. Worryingly, both carbon emissions and energy use associated with buildings continue to increase due to increased demand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and further construction. Moreover, approximately 80% of buildings that will exist in 2050 have already been built. Therefore, achieving Net Zero by 2050 requires rapid retrofitting of the existing building stock with energy-efficient technologies. The Climate Change Committee have stated that “rates of improvement in energy efficiency continue to be well below the necessary level”. What if I lease my buildings? If you lease your buildings, you may be wondering how any of this is relevant to you. Well, leasing inefficient buildings impacts your energy costs and your carbon footprint. This means that whether you own or lease your buildings, failing to address the problem means that your business is losing money and may struggle with reputational damage and compliance with climate regulation in the future. The solutions Fortunately, many options are available to improve the efficiency of your buildings and reduce carbon emissions. They include insulation, LED lighting, smart building management systems (BMS), air and ground source heat pumps, and efficient HVAC systems. Additionally, ensuring your buildings are run off renewable energy sources by installing wind energy or solar PV onsite will reduce your carbon footprint and your exposure to volatile energy markets. If onsite renewables are not possible, a power purchase agreement (PPA) can provide the benefits of renewable energy without the need to install it yourself. The exact solution will depend on a thorough assessment of your business to highlight the areas where the greatest impact can be achieved. To find out how edenseven can help you reduce your building emissions and get your business on track for Net Zero, send us a message.
World map
by Doug Mccauley 6 February 2024
What is it? The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) announced two international sustainability standards in 2023, IFRS S1 & S2. IFRS S1 is for sustainability-related financial disclosures and IFRS S2 is for climate-related disclosures. The two standards are designed to be applied together. The standards fully incorporate the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). This means that organisations that comply with the requirements of IFRS S1 and S2 will also be meeting the requirements of TCFD. The standards are voluntary unless adopted into national legislation. The UK is strongly considering adopting the standards into the UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards (UK SDS), currently being developed and due to be announced in July 2024. Who does it apply to?
European Union flag against cloudy sky
by Doug Mccauley 5 February 2024
What is it? The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU directive announced in 2021 to improve corporate transparency, data accuracy, and comparability of their sustainability performance and their associated sustainability risks for investors and stakeholders. CSRD replaces the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and seeks to address its shortcomings by increasing the number of companies in-scope from around 12,000 to 50,000, requiring third party assurance, ensuring a machine-readable format, and requiring additional disclosures covering a broader range of sustainability topics. Additionally, CSRD was developed to align with other frameworks and standards, such as the EU Taxonomy and TCFD, creating harmonised reporting. Who does it apply to?
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